BankingLibor SOFR
September 15, 2020

Excitement Borne of Frustration Greets Ameribor 30-day Term Rate

Bank treasurers facing Libor’s end welcome news on a forward rate from the AFX. Libor’s days are numbered and bank treasurers eager for the development of a forward-looking, term interest rate that has a credit component got some good news last week: The American Financial Exchange (AFX) announced an indicative 30-day forward rate called Ameribor30 whose base rate is overnight Ameribor, which reflects the unsecured borrowing costs of more than 1,100 American lenders.“I’m pretty excited about it,” one member of…
BankingLibor SOFR
August 25, 2020

Leaving Libor in the Dust: Look for SOFR Loans in Early 2021

Banks could price corporate loans using SOFR sooner than ARRC best practices suggest. The Alternative Reference Rates Committee (ARRC) guiding the US transition for cash products is pushing for Libor pricing to cease for certain types of debt by the end of this year, and other types of debt may soon follow. Floating-rate notes, for example, should be priced by year-end using an alternative benchmark, according to best practices published in late May by the ARRC, which comprises mostly large banks…
BankingCapital MarketsLibor SOFR
August 13, 2020

Life After Libor: Ameribor Holding Its Own as Regulators Back SOFR

Banks already price commercial loans over Ameribor and a term version is in the works. Ameribor, the benchmark alternative interest rate to Libor devised by the American Financial Exchange (AFX), is managing to stay in the conversation despite the endorsement by the Federal Reserve of the secured overnight financing rate (SOFR). Ameribor reflects the unsecured borrowing costs of more than 1,100 American lenders. This week, Citizens Financial Group, one of the nation’s 20 biggest banks, with assets of $177 billion, joined…
Libor SOFRTreasury Management
June 25, 2020

Transition to SOFR Pushing Ahead Despite Pandemic

The pandemic and its aftermath forced bank treasurers to move the Libor-to-SOFR transition to the back burner; but make no mistake, it is still very much still on the stove.With apologies to the real estate industry, there were three critical issues that mattered to bank treasurers before the pandemic: 1) Libor to SOFR transition, 2) Libor to SOFR transition and 3) Libor to SOFR transition. But now, given COVID-19’s damaging impact on world economies, banks have been presented with new…
Capital MarketsLibor SOFR
April 7, 2020

SOFR Passes COVID-19 Stress Test, Bolstered by Stability of Repo Market

The volume of repo transactions underlying the calculation of SOFR has remained strong as the coronavirus disrupted other markets. US regulators’ recommended Libor replacement has performed strongly through the volatility roller coaster powered by the coronavirus. In fact, the overnight repurchase agreement (repo) market used to calculate SOFR has increased in daily volume to more than $1.3 trillion. “With SOFR, you have good reason to be confident that it can always be calculated, and the rate you’re paying reflects actual…
Capital MarketsLibor SOFR
March 12, 2020

It’s Time for Nonfinancial Corporates to Gear Up Libor-SOFR Transition Plans

Founder’s Edition, by Joseph Neu NeuGroup member calls with corporate treasury leaders reveal preparation gaps. Some NeuGroup corporate members—nonfinancial institutions—are well on track with planning to transition off Libor before the end of 2021. One company, Ford Motor, has even joined the Alternative Reference Rates Committee (ARRC), a group of private-sector participants convened by the Federal Reserve Board and the New York Fed to help identify alternatives to Libor and develop strategies to promote their use.  However, the majority of…
Capital MarketsLibor SOFR
March 3, 2020

Fed Official to NeuGroup Members: The Time to Start Paying Attention to Libor’s End Is Now

ARRC liaison David Bowman explains the implications of SOFR and what corporates need to do now.Corporate treasury teams that have paid little or no attention to the planned transition from Libor to SOFR, take note: That stance makes much less sense today than last year and “won’t make any sense” by the end of this year, in the view of David Bowman, the senior staff liaison from the Federal Reserve Board of Governors to the Alternative Reference Rates Committee (ARRC).…