The huge hype surrounding the Coinbase IPO this week is just another sign that finance teams trying to stay ahead of the curve can only benefit by boning up on Bitcoin and the rapidly moving world of cryptocurrency.
- NeuGroup is committed to helping members learn from those in the know. This week—before the IPO—Allison Rossi, treasury lead at the digital payments company Square, explained the decision-making process and logistics involved in the company’s $220 million investment in bitcoin, made in part to diversify and hedge against inflation.
- NeuGroup Insights will post more details from Ms. Rossi’s discussion in an upcoming email. Sign up for the email here.
- In addition to other crypto sessions at peer group meetings, next Thursday NeuGroup will host a virtual interactive session featuring a panel of experts including the US CEO of B2C2, the leading OTC crypto liquidity provider.
Learning curves. The results below of a poll taken at this week’s meeting of cash investment managers reveal, unsurprisingly, that many treasury teams are at the beginning of their crypto learning journey. That’s just one reason we think our commitment to exploring corporate use cases for crypto will benefit members, even those with no plans to invest or accept it as payment.
- Two-thirds of respondents to the poll have little to no experience with this asset class. And the overwhelming number of companies, 83%, do not hold bitcoin. The same result held true for owning other cryptocurrencies or digital securities/tokens.
Want to know more about NeuGroup’s plans to raise the collective corporate IQ on Bitcoin and other digital finance topics? Please click here.